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10 TOS output module

This chapter describes the TOS output module, which can be selected with option ‘-Ftos’ to generate Atari TOS executable files, or with option ‘-Fdri’ to generate DRI-format object files.

10.1 Legal

This module is written in 2009-2016,2020,2021,2023 by Frank Wille and is covered by the vasm copyright without modifications.

10.2 Additional options for this module


Use the SozobonX extension, which allows symbol names with unlimited length in DRI objects and executables. Overrides the HiSoft extension.


Do not write HiSoft extended symbol names. Cut at 8 characters.

These options are valid for the tos module only:


Write Devpac "MonST"-compatible symbols.


Sets the flags field in the TOS file header. Defaults to 0. Overwrites a TOS flags definition in the assembler source.

10.3 General


The TOS executable file format is used on Atari 16/32-bit computers with 68000 up to 68060 CPU running any TOS, MiNT or any compatible operating system. The symbol table is in DRI format and may use HiSoft (default) or SozobonX extended symbol names.


The object file format defined by Digital Research for Atari M68k systems.

10.4 Restrictions

All these restrictions are defined by the file format itself.

10.5 Known Problems

Some known problems of this module at the moment:

10.6 Error Messages

This module has the following error messages:

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