WebChessNG is a fork of WebChess v0.9.0

It is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).


31.10.2007 (v1.1.4)
- BUGFIX Don't remove Automatically a Admin user

14.09.2007 (v1.1.3)
- BUGFIX "Division by zero" in Reliability calculation

18.04.2007 (v1.1.2)
- BUGFIX Calculation of reliability
- BUGFIX % calculation of aborted games

14.02.2007 (v1.1.1)
- BUGFIX ELO calculating for aborted games
- BUGFIX email validation in profil
- BUGFIX create new user on the Adminpage userconfig
- NEW ELO config flag "Show only active players" 0/1

30.01.2007 (v1.1):
- Registration via email
- Change the chessboard perspective
- new Administrator maintenance pages
  * Language settings
  * user settings
  * Config settings
- review code and merge mail functions to one file  
- Webchess Help/Rules page
- multi language support
- user info/statistic page
- new statistic table (include ELO rating and other statistic fields)
- database review
- Databaseversion variable !
- usergroups (Administrator, player)
- opponentspassword.php need a new style 
- merge chessutils.php with undo.php, newgame.php, move.php?
- delete old games and user in DB automatically
- debug logging with different levels
- Name change, cause its not original WebChess anymore (WebChessNG)
- base database wrapper
- new folder strukture 
  *function libary files into /lib
  *(page template) and *.css /template
  *logfiles /logs
  *language files /lang
  *configfiles /conf
- split config.php into dbconfig.php and config.php  
- removed fixOldPHPVersions(); (PHP should be everywhere >= 4.2.0)
- version variable !
- display only new and active players on the elorating page

25.08.2006 (v1.0.1):
- BUGFIX Promotion bug
- BUGFIX en-passant bug (thx smejo)

24.08.2006 (v1.0):
- new Login Page
- after session time out or Logout you will get directly the Login page
- every page has a Headnote for different information like loginname ect. 
- every page has a footnote include the mailto:Webadmin and other status 
- every page is now displayed with the same style
- most off the pages have now a clear PHP code, No mix with HTML!
- on the top of every page is a button menu (faster navigation)
- main menu page display only necessary data
- user settings moved to the profile page
- add event logging for a better analyse off possible bugs
- bugfix of playerID -1 case
- bugfix delete Chat Message (aborted game) 

16.02.2006 patched (v0.9.0) with:
- ELO-rating
- View and replay(thx to Smejo) of ended games
- Chat between players (thx to Smejo)
- Admin page for deleting of not active players

02.09.2004 (v0.9.0):